At their ‘Weaving Community and Coalition Through Arts Justice’ Fall Festival, the Stella Adler Center has a big announcement to make. A theater is going to be named after master poet, American icon, and longtime friend of the Center, Sonia Sanchez! The event will be free and open to the public as well as feature MacArthur Fellow Reginald Dwayne Betts. Visit the Stella Adler Center’s website for more info!
Another award for Ms. Sanchez! Poets & Writers announced on April 26, 2022 that she has been awarded the Jackson Poetry Prize. The prize is awarded annually by Poets & Writers to recognize an American poet of exceptional talent. Endowed by John and Susan Jackson, this year’s prize carries a monetary award of $80,000.
Ms. Sanchez was selected by three esteemed judges: the poets Mary Jo Bang, Marilyn Chin, and Claudia Rankine. There was no application process. Poets were nominated by a panel of their peers who will remain anonymous. All her awards have consecrated her status as national treasure.
Poets & Writers will host a virtual celebration in honor of Ms. Sanchez this spring. For more information, visit
They have more details!
It’s raining awards for Ms. Sanchez! She is this year’s winner of the Edward MacDowell Medal, a lifetime achievement honor started in 1960 and previously given to Robert Frost, Toni Morrison, and Stephen Sondheim among others.
Novelist Walter Mosley will present Ms. Sanchez her medal on July 10, 2022, on the MacDowell grounds in Peterborough, New Hampshire, the first in-person ceremony since 2019, the year before the pandemic.
ABC News has more details!
Take in an event featuring Sonia Sanchez this Spring! Upcoming events are listed and stay tuned for more opportunities to see Philadelphia’s first Poet Laureate.
On December 29, 2011, Philadelphia selected Sonia Sanchez as the city’s first Poet Laureate. A proud resident of Philadelphia since 1976, Mayor Michael Nutter called her the “conscience of the city.” As Philadelphia’s Poet Laureate, she is responsible for selecting and mentoring a Youth Poet Laureate, participating in spoken word and poetry events at City Hall and the Free Library of Philadelphia.
Sanchez is now collecting haikus about peace from fellow writers and the public for a mural in South Philadelphia, which will be unveiled in June 2012. Her most recent book of poetry, Morning Haiku, is available from Beacon Press. Read some selections from the book on For a complete list of works by Sonia Sanchez, visit her website. Read more about her selection as Philadelphia’s Poet Laureate here, or visit Poetry Foundation.
In honor of Poetry Month, Beacon Press will give away five posters featuring a poem from Sonia Sanchez’s Morning Haiku, now available in paperback from Beacon Press. Enter once a day before noon EST Friday, April 29. The poster features the poem:
4 haiku
(for Nubia)
Telephone wires sang
her voice over
soft sister laughter
you held us
with summer stained
smiles of hope
i hold your
breath today…you sail home
across the ocean
i see you Nubia
walking your Mississippi walk
God in your hands.
The contest is now closed. Winners have been announced on,, and
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